2 - 3 December 2022

Research Award and Call for Posters

The aim of the Workgroup Computed Tomography of the German Veterinary Association DVG is among others the promotion of scientific studies and publications in the field of computed tomography. For this purpose, the AG-CT will present a research award during the CT-User Meeting 2022 in Ghent, Belgium.


The aim of the Workgroup Computed Tomography of the German Veterinary Association DVG is among others the promotion of scientific studies and publications in the field of computed tomography.
For this purpose, the AG-CT will present a research award during the CT-User Meeting 2022 in Ghent, Belgium.

Applicants for the Research Award submit a published research on the subject of computer tomography in small animal and large animal medicine.

Requirements for the Research Award:

• Candidate and submitter: author (primary or co-author) of an already published or accepted publication in a research veterinary medicine journal.

• Topic related to CT with clinical relevance to small and large animal medicine Language: English

• Publication period: 2020-2022. A (co-) author of the group must be a member of the AG-CT

• Experimental or clinical research will be favoured before case series, individual case reports and literature review articles

Research Award:

One winner will be selected from the submissions and will be invited to give a lecture at the CT-User Meeting 2022 in Ghent, Belgium and will receive a free congress registration, an invitation to the congress dinner and a cheque of 500 euro.

Sequence and Selection:

• Submission of abstracts and published work as PDF by mail to: Ingrid.Gielen@Ugent.be

Deadline: 6 October 2022

• Nomination by a scientific committee

• Presentation of the three-selected researches in a 15-minute presentation by the award winner at the CT-User Meeting 2022

• The award ceremony will take place during the congress dinner

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Did you come across an interesting case where CT contributed to the diagnosis and that you would like to share and discuss with other meeting attendees? Why not present your case in the 10th CT-user meeting Poster Session?

If you do, you will receive a free ticket for the evening dinner and you can win an attractive award.

If you would like to present a poster please prepare a small abstract and fill in the appropriate form on the website http://www.ct-user.be as from 30th August.

The deadline is 1st November 2022; after the deadline applications will no longer be accepted.

A scientific committee with members of the “Arbeitsgruppe CTder DGK-DVG” will review all submissions and notify you. During the Closing Session, an Award for Best Poster will be given.
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Our Faculty
I. Gielen
H van Bree
M. Mihaljevic
E. Ranschaert
V. van Driessche
A. Brühsschwein
D. Rasenberg
C. Hordijk
Y. Vali
M. Hellige
S. Stieger
K. von Pückler
Gabriel Manzo Diaz
C. Crijns